Monday, February 15, 2010

1 year Gotcha Day Anniversary

Fall Vacation

Aubrey's Baptism 2-14-10

We've been really bad about blogging, especially since Becci and I have started using Facebook to stay connected to everyone. But, today is Aubrey's 1 year Gotcha Day anniversary and we celebrated by looking back at our blog. We thought today would be a great day for a blog update.

What a year it has been. Honestly, we've fallen into such a normal family life, that it's easy to forget how we got here. Aubrey continues to amaze us as she becomes more and more the typical American girl. She loves clothes and shopping and is every bit the girly girl. Pretty dresses are the uniform for her, the frillier the better. She will even comment on other women's outfits if she likes them, "Momma, that pretty".

Aubrey is speaking 100% in English and has a vocabulary of about 750,000 words. Sometimes, she tells us stories that use all 750,000.

If you'd like to keep up with us, drop us an email at or find us on facebook, we post frequently on there.