Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Hug from God

As part of our journey to Chen, we've had to face some obstacles, not the least of which has been financial. We decided early on that the cost, while steep, mattered very little. We're not ones to place too much emphasis on having the biggest house (as anyone who's visited us can attest!), or the fanciest cars, etc., so with some creative juggling, we knew we could find a way.

Recently, we began the process of applying for grants to help offset the cost of travel and fees. There are some wonderful organizations out there that exist to offer help to families like ours. Whether we are approved for any funding or not remains to be seen, but just today we received a most generous gift.

Upon hearing of our quest for funding, the Athens United Methodist Women have contributed to the cause with a cash gift. This was a most unexpected and thoughtful act on their part, and we are just so grateful. When I mentioned this to Wendy, my wonderful assistant at the studio, she said " You just got a hug from God!"

How true.

If you'd like to help, check out our cafepress store by clicking the link at the top right of the blog. We have shirts, bags and more with the Chinese characters for "Forever Family", as well as the always awesome Aaron Rocks shirt! A portion of each sale will help offset our travel expense.

Thanks to all of those who have supported us along the way.

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